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Basic Furnace Maintenance – Gas Furnace Wall

Tuesday , 14, September 2021 Comments Off on Basic Furnace Maintenance – Gas Furnace Wall

The stove is usually one of the secrets in your home. Not 100% sure how it works, but you know to take care of it because if it breaks you'll be in deep water. Many people buy their first home without really knowing how to care for these items. 

If you are one of those people, this article will help you. You can also look for the best gas wall furnaces via

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The first thing to learn is to turn the oven on or off. Some people think that the oven doesn't have an on/off button and just turns on all the time. That is not true. Go to the control box.

There should be a switch marked "Furnace". Make sure this is checked. Note- If your circuit breaker box does not have an oven label, contact an electrician to find out which circuit breaker is – this is very important!

Once your switch is on, you'll want to turn on the actual oven. This can be a little tricky as some homes make it look like they're hiding the stove key. Usually located near the basement, attic, or in the oven/utility room. Make sure this lock is also activated.

It's not that hard! See, oven maintenance can be easy if you know what you're doing. Every homeowner needs to know how to replace their stove filter. Don't pay anyone for it, you are wasting your money!