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Be Careful about Commercial Hard Money Loans

Friday , 22, October 2021 Comments Off on Be Careful about Commercial Hard Money Loans

You are likely considering a commercial loan for hard money if you are reading this article. You might have been rejected by some local banks, or know that they won't approve your application due to poor credit scores, low-income documentation, bankruptcy, foreclosures, and other factors.
For Commercial money-lending services, you can look for South Floridas #1 Hard Money Lender online.

5 Reasons to Choose Hard Money Lenders Over Banks - ARC Private Lending

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This area of commercial mortgage lending is one of the most difficult. It is not regulated and many lenders have little to no accountability. 
After you have been approved and received a Letter Of Intent (or term sheet), the deposit fee is where you are most at risk. Pay attention to any lender that asks for money other than the third-party fees.
A third-party fee for a commercial hard money loan includes an appraisal, engineering reports, title, and travel fees for the principal to fly out and inspect the property. 
You should not allow commercial hard money lenders to ask for more than what is necessary to cover the basic costs. What is the purpose of asking for more money? Are they just trying to "tie them up"?
There are some hard money commercial lenders who are just con-artists and will only take deposits. Borrowers can make their situation worse by choosing the wrong hard-money commercial lender and sending them their last cash, hoping that they will solve their problems.
Most commercial hard money lenders are only lenders. They don't care about funding deals they can't fund. Be careful, take your time, and be patient. You don't want your loan application to be denied by a lender who will take your deposit and then not return your calls or give you complete BS reasons.