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Classes & Coaching 2 Types of Coaching Classes

Monday , 21, September 2020 Comments Off on Classes & Coaching 2 Types of Coaching Classes

Various coaching courses are offered on the Internet, depending on various factors such as the number of students and the web technology involved.

Individual or group coaching: Individual coaching includes individual coaching for students. There are many websites where students can find teachers to help solve their personal questions on specific topics such as math, physics, or chemistry. You can pop over to this website to take online chemistry classes.

The teacher can bid for the assignment and students can choose the best teacher. In another case of online coaching, the moderator takes care of a group of students who have signed up for this course. This type of group course can be conducted via email, website, or webinar. An example is a course in marketing and using the software.

One-way or interactive: One-way coaching means that the teacher or expert provides content and does not participate in student learning.

Usually, such courses are offered in the form of a ready-made ebook that can be downloaded from the teacher's website.

The teacher is not responsible for answering student questions. On the other hand, students can discuss and answer their questions with the trainer in an interactive coaching class. Interactivity can be provided via email or text chat. Most online coaching courses have some element of interactivity.