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Difference Between General And Cosmetic Dentistry

Friday , 10, July 2020 Comments Off on Difference Between General And Cosmetic Dentistry

While the long-established field of general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and the prevention, analysis, and treatment of oral disease, cosmetic dentistry’s aim is to create a dazzling white and healthy smile.

General dentistry deals with the problems that exist with regard to damage or general treatment, while cosmetic dentistry is the dental field that is so advanced that concentrate on creating the ideal function and a smile for you. You can also search online to find the best general & cosmetic dentistry in Bend, OR.

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Many cosmetic dentists will also take care of your teeth as a general dentist and can perform the same function. For example, dental fillings is a procedure widely used to treat decayed teeth.

In the past, most dental fillings were composed primarily of gold, amalgam, and other materials that leave tasted of dark spots on the teeth. Cosmetic dentists use advanced technologies such as lasers to perform state of the art procedures that are important for cosmetic treatments.

By using advanced techniques and technology, the cosmetic dentist put themselves on the cutting edge boosts the healing process by creating a more comfortable environment. The sophistication in equipment and training is now offering patient care which was not possible in the past with the recovery time significantly reduced.

Finding a competent cosmetic dentist needs a clever study. When you opt for a cosmetic dentist, you need to choose a highly trained professional that will allow you to enhance your smile and redesign the look of your smile.