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Electric Vehicles With Solar Panels

Monday , 1, June 2020 Comments Off on Electric Vehicles With Solar Panels

The electric car, unlike the common car on fossil fuels, doesn't pollute, because it does not emit pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide.

Regular cars regularly produce around 150 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer. In urban areas with fossil-fueled vehicles, air pollution is much higher. If you want to know more about electric cars, then you can also visit

In addition, with less wind circulation, carbon dioxide tends to accumulate in the lower atmosphere, which causes health problems, especially in children. The controversial production of electric vehicles and their batteries can also cause pollutants because they are made in normal factories.

Apart from this argument, the difference in negative environmental factors between ordinary fossils and electric vehicles cannot be compared. Efficiency is another factor that electric motors have over the type of combustion. By eliminating energy loss, electric vehicles can do better with fewer resources.

However, the main focus of electromobility is on the conservation of our ecological ecosystem. For this reason, the ideal solution is to use alternative energy sources such as solar and wind energy to produce the electricity that this vehicle needs.

Today, some companies use solar panels for their electric vehicles to produce the energy they need and make these very useful environmental tools. Most electric cars powered by solar panels are smaller and lighter.

Electric vehicle owners can also install a photovoltaic system in their homes to charge their electric car batteries. For example, in the United States, Ford's sister company, Sun Power, works closely with others in the industry to offer discounts on the installation of solar panels at homeowners of electric vehicles.

This innovation is interesting because the installation of solar panels can greatly save consumers. BMW is also working with SolarWatt for the same reason because it is interested in this technology.