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Fabulous Full Figure Bras – Getting the Right Fit Without Busting Out All Over

Tuesday , 9, February 2021 Comments Off on Fabulous Full Figure Bras – Getting the Right Fit Without Busting Out All Over

For a full figure skater, women may not have a more important wardrobe item than the right bra. It is worn on a daily basis and is the hardest working item of all. It lifts, supports, and helps us face the world every day.

Your bra can be your worst enemy if you don't care enough to buy the right bra for your body. There are many different styles and bras to choose from, even in the same band and cup. So expect some time in the bridge space to choose the comfortable and perfect sheer bra.

Get professional help

Statistics show that more than 70% of women do not wear a bra of the right size. Finding the right bra is not difficult. Most lingerie stores or departments have already trained their employees in fitting bra fitting. If you're unsure, make sure to go to the one recommended by a friend.

The salesperson measures your chest and bust – with the bra you're wearing – and quickly determines your strap and cup size. Ask him to help you choose a style option and let him know your needs and preferences. This should load you up with several different styles and sizes, and once you've tried it you'll have a much better idea of what fits and what doesn't.

Find the right bra size

To measure yourself, take a soft measuring tape (most sewing kits have one) and measure around your upper chest, just below your chest, while wearing the bra that fits best.