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Health, Nutrition and Easy Diet – 9 Factors For Permanent Good Health and Well-Being

Monday , 21, June 2021 Comments Off on Health, Nutrition and Easy Diet – 9 Factors For Permanent Good Health and Well-Being

What is good health? Good health is a state of well being where optimum function in our body and good feeling is achieved. It is a place in our lives where we can achieve maximum productivity and functioning from our bodies and mind and where we feel most resistant to fatigue and disease. You can also purchase organic sea moss products via

It requires a lifelong program of health and wellness management brought on by the discipline of making the right choices of diet and exercise – one day at a time. And it seems, according to my own experience that the older you get the more you need to curb the intake of foods.

However, with a good state of mind and understanding of the importance of a good disciplinary program it can be easier to achieve. How do we get to good health and stay there? Here are 9 important factors that will lead up to permanent good health:

1. Self-driven discipline.

2. A positive attitude.

3. Desire, effort and patience.

4. Good nutrition choices.

5. Exercise.

6. Changing poor habits into healthy ones.

7. Knowledge of our body

8. Education on the subject.

9. Continuous working on all the above

What is sickness and disease?

If good health is a state of well being where optimum function in our body and good feeling is achieved, then what is sickness? It is the opposite where the body does not function well, bringing about an ill-feeling of fatigue, disease, aches and pains. If you are sick, your body is not living in harmony with normal principles. Ailments and pains are not normal.

To help the body rid itself of toxins, we need to eat properly, providing our body foods in a natural state, raw or steamed. Meats & eggs should be well done and unprocessed, unrefined and without additives. With the help of a health professional, we can undertake a herbal program for cleansing
