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How Healthy Forests Contribute towards Water Quality

Wednesday , 8, December 2021 Comments Off on How Healthy Forests Contribute towards Water Quality

assessment forest risk

When a city invests in forest planting and management, it might not need costly infrastructure for clean water supply. Yes! Healthy forests can filter water while improving its quality as well as quantity. Are you confused about how trees contribute towards cleaning the water that reaches your home? Let’s discuss a few aspects in brief here.

Water Quality

Detachment of soil particles through erosion by wind, runoff, or rainfall significantly impacts the quality of water. If you use a water filter at home, healthy forests work in a similar fashion on a large scale. While the roots below the ground prevent the soil from erosion, the part on the floor absorbs sediment and minerals. On the other hand, the lack of adequate trees lets the sediment flow into the water bodies and causes pollution.

Water Availability

Besides controlling the polluting agents, forests also contribute by regulating various processes such as evaporation, precipitation, and flows. They control rainfall with the storage and release of water vapour in roots, branches, and canopy layers. And when storms come, forests block the runoff and reduce the impact that floods would cause otherwise.

Water Treatment

And when trees provide a good supply of water, filtered naturally, humans won’t need to invest in costly water treatment infrastructure. This brings both economic and cultural benefits as traditional infrastructures relied more on nature than man.

If you have decent land space available, you can contribute towards the environment with a private native forest while earning a handsome income as well. However, this requires a forest risk assessment to ensure no more ecological damage happens.