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Is frozen chicken healthy?

Thursday , 28, January 2021 Comments Off on Is frozen chicken healthy?

Chicken is a healthy substitute for red meat. It works well in a number of cooking methods and is readily available. Frozen chicken is often less expensive than fresh chicken and has the added benefit of having a longer shelf life than fresh chicken.

Commercial frozen chicken is often refrigerated or quickly frozen to preserve as much nutrition, texture, and freshness as possible.  You can also buy boneless skinless whole chicken breast at Brazil Frozen Food Brands.

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The fast freezing process prevents the liquid in the chicken from turning into large crystals, which can lead to a faster breakdown of structure and nutrients.

Flash Frozen Chicken has a nutritional profile similar to fresh chicken because it does not use preservatives, although frozen chicken may have more added ingredients.

For example, a 3-ounce serving of raw, fresh, skinless chicken contains 101 calories per serving with more than 18 grams of protein and only 2.6 grams of total fat.

Chicken is also a great source of iron, potassium, vitamins K and A, and B, especially niacin. Apart from buying frozen chicken, you can also freeze fresh chicken. It can last up to a year in a freezer with a temperature of zero degrees Fahrenheit or less.

Do not freeze stuffed chicken during long freezing and thawing times can promote harmful food bacteria.