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Make and Share Your Own Instagram Face Filters

Thursday , 4, February 2021 Comments Off on Make and Share Your Own Instagram Face Filters

There are so many tools available nowadays through which you can make or create your own Instagram Face Filters, Spark AR Studio is one among them. Previously, it had only been available for Facebook and beta testers. If you want to make your own Instagram Face Filters then you can check out the following steps:

Start your Project:

  • It’s good to start with a sample project. In this case, we’re going to create a Face Distortion effect.
  •  Install the latest version of Spark AR Studio onto your computer.
  • You will get a splash screen that has a ton of great starter projects to explore. You can choose the one according to your mind. Then go to the Samples tab and choose Face Distortion.
  • Then Save your project to a local folder.

Modify Your Filter:

  •  On the right side of the window, find “Deformation.”
  •  Make sure the Deformation window is expanded. Go ahead — create a nightmare!
  • After that on the far left edge of the window, find and click the camera icon.
  • From the selection of faces presented, choose one.

After modifying the Filter, Export it:

  •  Choose the export button from the file menu.
  •  A window will pop up showing how much space your filter will use on different types of devices.
  • If everything is fine, hit the ‘export button’.

In the last step, TEST YOUR FILTER.