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Mental Effects Of Cannabis Addiction

Tuesday , 19, January 2021 Comments Off on Mental Effects Of Cannabis Addiction

There's a long discussion over the physical effects of marijuana. Although this drug isn't very harmful if taken occasionally in the prescribed form, it becomes seriously hazardous when people become addicted to it and start taking it without a prescription. 

In such cases, it doesn't only harm the body of the addicted person but also leaves several negative effects on the brain. You can also look to buy medical weed online.

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In this article we'll study those negative effects in detail:

1. Overactivation of the Brain's reward system: You might've heard that the key ingredient of Marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. When a person takes Marijuana, THC enters his/her brain and activates its reward system due to which the user starts feeling euphoric. 

Upon activation, it releases the chemical dopamine in our nerves and we start feeling happy. On the other hand, THC activates this reward system of the brain in the same manner as most other illegal drugs do – by stimulating the brain to release dopamine.

Relaxation is another feeling that comes along with euphoria, and once its effect is over people start feeling either sleepy or depressed. Other feelings that may come along with euphoria and relaxation include but are not limited to:

2. Inability to creating new memories: The usage of marijuana kills a person's ability to create new memories. It means the user may not be able to remember new things in the future due to distorted thinking. Most of the evidence for establishing this theory comes from animal researches. 

3. Distorted Thinking: Distorted thinking is another negative mental effect associated with this drug. The addicted person may become unable to do complicated tasks that require coordination because THC disrupts the activities of the mind by binding itself to the basal ganglia and cerebellum, the areas that are responsible for coordination and balancing.