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More Information about Online Transcription Services

Monday , 6, December 2021 Comments Off on More Information about Online Transcription Services

Online transcription services are available in a myriad of formats, offering products that vary in turnaround times and pricing, as well as quality, and also in customer service. 

In the online transcription and captioning service market, there are a variety of choices that each business provides and it's recommended to think about these elements when you purchase online transcription. 

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Outsourced Transcription Services

In this model of service, the transcription business will be a single person who is a company. When they receive a request that you have placed with them, they send it to an outsourcing business to finish. 

These services may provide the same quality of transcripts with very basic audio. BUT! They're not able to offer any quality at all on harder audio. 

These companies work to produce high-quality transcripts, but the lack of English as their first language makes it not an option to deliver transcriptions that are accurate to 98% or greater. A few problems with transcription companies online include:

1. Audio is not easy = poor quality transcriptions

2. Inconsistently difficult to remember names technical terms, names, anything that requires research, etc.

3. In general, poor customer support and service. The company that takes your money isn't the one that is actually transcribed. That means that the client is posing questions to a person not actually transcribing the material.