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Reasons Accidents Happen at Construction Sites

Friday , 15, July 2022 Comments Off on Reasons Accidents Happen at Construction Sites

earthmovers Brisbane

A report by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) stated that more than 3900 people lost their lives in 2012. From this figure, about 19.6% who lost their lives belonged to the construction industry. Construction sites are prone to accidents due to many reasons. For instance; a worker is prone is falling down or getting hurt by an object. Therefore, these are a few additional reasons that lead to accidents at construction sites.

  1. Via Falling – Taking a wrong step from a height leads to the worker falling down. For instance; stairwells without the presence of guardrails are a common problem leading to the worker falling down to the ground.
  2. Via Object Struck – About 78 construction workers lost their lives in 2012 by getting struck by objects. Proper training offered to the workers comprising of using equipment can help in avoiding this problem.
  3. Via Electrocutions – In the same year 2012, around 66 workers lost their lives due to electrocution. The presence of power lines that are invisible to the eyes is the reason behind this accident workers face at construction sites. This problem can be solved by placing signs about power sources at the site.
  4. Via Heavy Machines – Heavy machines like bulldozers, and excavators, are always used in the construction industry. Operators are the ones responsible to operate these heavy machines. However, a lack of training in operating such machines may lead to accidents and even death. Therefore, it is vital that the operator is trained properly to avoid such mishaps.

In Brisbane, earthmovers need to be aware of such reasons.