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How can you get rid of painful corns on the foot?

Monday , 7, November 2022 Comments Off on How can you get rid of painful corns on the foot?

The corns that you get on the feet can become quite painful and have quite devasting consequences if they break down and become infected. A corn is nothing more than a small area in which the skin becomes thicker in response to too much pressure. That too much pressure might come from a toe deformity […]

How are corns on the foot treated?

Thursday , 22, July 2021 Comments Off on How are corns on the foot treated?

Corns on the foot are due to too much pressure on that area of skin where the corn is. To eliminate corns, all you need to do is remove that pressure which caused the corn. Its that simple. A corn or a callus is part of a process which your skin goes through to protect […]

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