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The Power Of Essential Oils On Your Body

Friday , 4, February 2022 Comments Off on The Power Of Essential Oils On Your Body

Essential oils can penetrate our skin because of their molecular shape. The molecules are small enough to glide easily on our skin.

Not all essential oils enter your body and disappear when they come into contact with the skin. Because carrier oils have a higher molecular weight, some essential oils stay on your skin when combined with carrier oils. This can give you additional benefits. You can also buy the high-quality rosemary oil for skin at to give your body the best nourishment.

In addition to the oil that penetrates your skin, the oil remaining on the skin's surface provides many benefits for the skin.

Molecular Vibration: All molecules vibrate at different frequencies. The lighter the molecule, the faster it vibrates. On the other side of the scale, the heavier the molecules, the slower they move. Imagine that for a moment. They were standing by the lake by the pool.

Then dive first into the pool. The high frequency of water molecules, allows you to move easily. Imagine that you are standing in front of a 100-year-old oak tree. What happens if you hit your head first?

Unless you break your neck, you will have a very painful headache. This is because wood molecules are heavier and vibrate the slowest. Essential oils are light and move at a very fast speed so they can easily penetrate our skin.