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The Ultimate Guide To Concrete Garage Refurbishment

Tuesday , 22, August 2023 Comments Off on The Ultimate Guide To Concrete Garage Refurbishment

Are you looking to make improvements to your concrete garage space? Refurbishment is one of the best ways to make your garage space look and feel more inviting. Refurbishment can also help to make your concrete garage more energy efficient and add value to your property. In this ultimate guide to concrete garage refurbishment, we’ll look at the different steps involved in the process and what you need to consider before starting. 

The first step is to assess the condition of your concrete garage. This includes inspecting the walls and floor to check for any cracks, fissures and signs of water damage. You should also check for any signs of structural damage, such as crumbling concrete or loose mortar joints. Once you’ve identified any problem areas, you can then repair and patch them up. 

The next step is to prepare the area for painting. This includes cleaning the surface with a pressure washer and applying a concrete sealer to protect the concrete from moisture. Once the sealer has dried, you can then apply a suitable primer before painting. It’s important to use a quality paint that is designed for use on concrete surfaces. 

The next step is to install any insulation you may need. This can help to reduce your energy bills by keeping your garage warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You should also consider adding a ventilation system to help keep the air quality in your garage at an acceptable level.