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Things You Need to Know About Manual Transmission Rebuild

Wednesday , 29, June 2022 Comments Off on Things You Need to Know About Manual Transmission Rebuild

Transmissions are an important part of every vehicle. Without transmissions, our vehicles would be essentially useless, as we would not be able to move at all. They enable your car to shift gears smoothly and efficiently so you can get from point A to point B. Also, did you know that transmission contains hundreds of parts? Most people you would ask probably wouldn't even know this. The fact is that they are made up of multiple gears and seals that need to be working together to work properly.

If you do run into a situation where your transmission does need to be repaired, it is important to understand the basics of manual transmission rebuild process so that you can determine if the repair shop is giving you a respectable price. Removal is the first step in the rebuild process. Once it is out of the vehicle you then need to completely take apart the unit and see which parts need to be replaced. 

During a rebuild, all parts inside the unit are inspected carefully. "Soft" parts are parts that tend to wear down more frequently. There is a high chance that some of these soft parts will need to be replaced upon inspection. In addition, all of the fluid insides must be drained. The smell of the used fluid can help hint mechanics to what the problem might be. Burnt fluid points to problems as does dirty fluid.

The fluid inside of the transmission is vital to its performance. The fluid helps keep all of the internal gears moving properly, without it the system would fail. There are many parts inside of transmission but there are four key components that you should know of when dealing with a rebuild. The bell housing is the case you see underneath your vehicle at first glance. On a front-wheel-drive vehicle, it will be located on the side of the engine. On a rear-wheel-drive vehicle, it will be located behind the engine.