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What is Stretch Forming?

Tuesday , 4, October 2022 Comments Off on What is Stretch Forming?

Stretch forming is a process in which a metal sheet or panel is stretched and formed into a three-dimensional shape. The process begins by heating the metal until it's soft and pliable, then stretching it over a mold or form. Once the metal cools and hardens, it takes on the new shape.

Stretch forming is often used to create large, complex shapes that would be difficult or impossible to create using other methods. It's also used to create parts with thin walls or intricate details.You can check out if you want to learn more about the benefits of Stretching Forming.

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Benefits of Stretch Forming

Stretch forming is a process that offers many benefits over traditional forming methods. It can be used to create complex shapes from a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites. Stretch forming also allows for greater control over the final shape of the product, making it ideal for creating parts with precise dimensions.

In addition, stretch forming is a very efficient process that can save time and money by reducing the need for secondary operations.  

Types of Stretch Forming

There are four main types of stretch forming:

1. Draw Bending

2. Compression Bending

3. Roll Bending

4. Flanging


Stretch forming is a process that can be used to form metal parts into complex shapes. This process is often used for aircraft and automotive parts, as well as for medical implants and other precision components. While stretch forming typically requires expensive equipment, it can produce parts with very tight tolerances and superior strength-to-weight ratios