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What Is The Best Way To Study The Bible?

Wednesday , 2, September 2020 Comments Off on What Is The Best Way To Study The Bible?

The most effective way to study the Bible is one that complements your personality and lifestyle. Have you ever tried to follow a Bible reading plan given to you by well-meaning friends and find yourself getting discouraged?

It was good to have a systematic way of going through the Bible-if not, you may find yourself wasting precious time every day deciding what to study- but how you do it is up to you. You may want to use a Bible reading plan, studying a particular topic, or go through a particular book of the Bible. 

Once you have decided on a system, you are ready to start learning. You can get more information about the bc and ad timeline online at One way is to simply read the Bible and journal any thoughts or questions that come to you. One goal may be to get answers to your questions.

The Bible stands as the supreme constitution for all mankind - The San Diego Union-Tribune

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You can also perform a study by reading the same passages of scripture using Bible version 3 or 4 different ones or use a concordance to look for keywords. The cross-reference is found in the Bible studies can take you to other verses that have the same theme. Write down the information you find so that you can return to it later.

Meditating is another way to have a word become more meaningful to you. Envision what your life would be like if the passages of scripture are fully operational in your life.

Do not make commitments you can not keep just because you do not want to say no. Bible study time you will be much more effective if you enjoy it and that means for your life.