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What You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

Thursday , 13, October 2022 Comments Off on What You Need To Know About Teeth Whitening

One of the most common cosmetic dental procedures is teeth whitening, or teeth bleaching. Teeth whitening can be done at home using over-the-counter products, or at the dentist’s office.

The active ingredient in teeth whitening products is usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These bleaching agents work by breaking down into oxygen molecules that penetrate the tooth enamel and break up stains.

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There are two main types of teeth whitening: in-office and at-home.

-In-office teeth whitening is done by a professional dentist and usually takes one to two hours. The dentist will apply a bleaching gel to your teeth and use a special light to accelerate the whitening process. This type of whitening is more expensive than at-home whitening, but it produces immediate results.

-At-home teeth whitening is done with either strips or gels that you apply yourself. These products are available over the counter at most drugstores. At-home whitening takes longer to see results than in-office whitening, but it is less expensive.


Teeth whitening is a great way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. However, it's important to understand the process before you dive in headfirst. Be sure to research different teeth whitening products and methods to find one that best suits your needs. And always consult with your dentist before beginning any at-home teeth whitening regimen to ensure that it's safe for you and won't damage your teeth. With a little bit of knowledge and preparation, you can achieve beautiful, bright teeth that will make you smile with confidence